Marek Jačišin

My geometric ceramic sculptures reflect my aesthetic values of simplicity and contrast. The world on its lowest level of my visual perception consist of 3 basic shapes of square, triangle and circle.
The elements repeat themselves and their order is kept by the grid. The elements interact and move, this is reflected in the waves, spirals and layering of the objects.
Clay is flexible medium but at the same time quite restrictive. There is ongoing struggle between clay's ability to take any shape I intend for it and it's refusal to seamlessly bind in to the new objects.
This is a new medium for me. I enjoy cold rough feel of the concrete an it's lasting weather endurance .
The Pink Panther insulation foam was used in the process to make simple light form to cast the concrete.

Public Art project "Tree of Life" at Palo Alto, CA. I was commissioned to design ceramic mural at 323 Lytton St. in Palo Alto, CA. in 2010

Public Art project "Tree of Life" at Palo Alto, CA. I was commissioned to design ceramic mural at 323 Lytton St. in Palo Alto, CA. in 2010

After years of making decorative tiles this was a natural step for me.
To work on larger scale and the opportunity to be seen by the public is really attractive to me.
In 2010 I was commissioned to design tile mural at the entrance of the new building in Palo Alto, California. In 2011 I had another chance to work on the public art project for the Cambridge Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
I make a decorative tiles for more than 15 years. Most of my tiles are low fire slipcasted 4"x4 "or 10"x10" in size.
After I design the tile I make prototype from the thin self adhesive foam sheets. Next step is making the plaster mold, that allows me to make multiples.

Human face and geometry are the most fascinated objects I can work on.
I took clay portrait classes with Soleh Regna a few years ago and rediscovered the joy of working on the intricate lines of the face.

Graphic Design & Multimedia
Graphic design is for me extension of my 2D and 3D work.
I've learned graphic design techniques and design principles during the Graphic and Web Design study at the Clark University.
Whether it is freelance work on the book covers, posters and websites or my work as Educational Media Coordinator at the New England College of Optometry I always adhere to the basic design principles.
My main tools of trade are Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere. To produce lecture capture and video tutorial I use programs like Camtasia and Panopto.

Digital Art and Photography
Still photography and digital art are for me pure fun and relax from the world of precise rules and long process of making.
Photoshop filters are running wild - instant gratification